
PROHOME believes that education plays a major role in the growth and progress of a society. It is one of the key components that can make or break a culture’s advancement. Since PROHOME has the mandate of preserving and advancing the Ogiek Culture, Language and Heritage, We prioritize Education for all Ogiek Children as a way of achieving this.

20th August , 2016 marked an historic milestone for the Ogiek community as the community celebrated academic achievements of students who sat for their O levels in 2015.

The event, hosted by PROHOME basically sought to award students who had performed well and also motivate the current candidates.

For the first time in history of the The Ogiek nation ,Eight students performed exceptionally well compared to previous years.

It was a Celebration considering Ogiek students face acute educational marginalization which is closely connected to a number of interlinking factors, such as poverty , ethnicity (social stigma and institutionalized discrimination), language barriers, gender-based discrimination, traditional practices (including early marriage), and a lack of access to basic services due to their geographical isolation.

The event,which was graced by Miss Priscilla Chebbet Mungo –West Pokot Budget Planner brought together members of the community to appreciate their daughters and sons.

It is PROHOME’s mandate to ensure that the trend of better performances in future are forthcoming for the sake of improvement of Education levels in the community

Best ECDE tutor receiving her awrd
Selection of best schools within the community ceremony
A young girl airing her views in a climate change meeting
Annual meetings to look into issues affecting the community schools
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